ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order

💯 Adobe | Canva pro

81 Canva pro | Lifetime account | 1 year Guarantee 💯 $3.00 1 1
- One time payment
- Account persist for life
- Guarantee : 1 year
- Complete in 24 hours max ( usually 2-4 hours )
- We add to school group and has almost all premium features

how to proceed
- just add your email in link bar
-you can send mail of already existing canva account also
- we will add your mail or canva mail to our group so will be premium membership
- you will receive confirmation message on mail just confirm it and enjoy
92 Adobe creative cloud all app | All Services | 1 Month 💯 $7.00 1 1
Access the essential applications and services for all types of creative work, ranging from photography and graphic design to video production, UI/UX design, and social media.
1 Month Gurantee
Leave your mail in Link bar

- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Acrobat Pro
- InDesign
- After Effects
- Lightroom
- Adobe XD
- Animate
- Lightroom Classic
- Dreamweaver
- Audition
- InCopy
- Character Animator
- Capture
- Adobe Fresco
- Bridge
- Adobe Express
- Photoshop Express
- Media Encoder
- Aero
- Adobe Scan
- Fill & Sign
- Acrobat Reader
- Adobe Firefly

Additional Features:
- 100 GB of cloud storage
- Detailed tutorials
- Adobe Portfolio
- Adobe Fonts
- Behance
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Access to the latest features
- 250 foundational points monthly

Renewal : Available on same account you bought
93 adobe creative cloud all app | All Services | 1 Year 💯 $60.00 1 1
Access the essential applications and services for all types of creative work, ranging from photography and graphic design to video production, UI/UX design, and social media.
- 1 Year Gurantee
- Leave your mail in Link bar

- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Acrobat Pro
- InDesign
- After Effects
- Lightroom
- Adobe XD
- Animate
- Lightroom Classic
- Dreamweaver
- Audition
- InCopy
- Character Animator
- Capture
- Adobe Fresco
- Bridge
- Adobe Express
- Photoshop Express
- Media Encoder
- Aero
- Adobe Scan
- Fill & Sign
- Acrobat Reader
- Adobe Firefly

Additional Features:
- 100 GB of cloud storage
- Detailed tutorials
- Adobe Portfolio
- Adobe Fonts
- Behance
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Access to the latest features
- 250 foundational points monthly

Renewal : Available on same account you bought

Youtube Comments 💯

82 Youtube Random comments | HQ | English | 11K | R30 💯 $6.00 20 11 000
Random English comments
Refill 30 days
10K per day [ can reorder till 100K ]
List of comments
83 Youtube Random comments | HQ | Emoji | 11K | R30 💯 $6.00 20 11 000
Random Emoji comments
Refill 30 days
10K per day [ can reorder till 100K ]
84 Youtube Random comments | HQ | For Male Video | 11K | R30 💯 $6.00 20 11 000
Random English comments for male video
Refill 30 days
10K per day [ can reorder till 100K ]
List of comments
85 Youtube Random comments | HQ | For Female Video | 11K | R30 💯 $6.00 20 11 000
Random English comments for male video
Refill 30 days
10K per day [ can reorder till 100K ]
List of comments


12 YouTube Subscribers | 10K |100 - 300 Per Day | R30 $2.10 100 10 000
Start : 0/5 hours
Speed : 100/300 Per day
Quality : Real
Drop Max : 1-5%
Refill : 30 days Refill
The number of subscribers must be public
The channel must have a video of at least 2 minutes
90 YouTube Views | 50K | 700 /day | Direct - External | R∞ $0.92 100 50 000
- Start in 1-2 min.
- Up to 99% from Direct | Source may vary, usually some % of External is present
- Average speed is up to 700-800/day.
- Retention 20-30s
- No 18+, no live
- Mostly Latin America, India, Brazil traffic from Suggested + Direct and unknown source
- Lifetime Guarantee
- 0-1% drop
91 YouTube Views | 500K | 2-4K/day | External:Direct | non-drop | R∞ $1.04 100 500 000
Start time: 0.5-1h
2000 - 4000/day
Source External:Direct
Retention: 9-25s
Real people watching, so indeed 99.9%-100% non drop
GEO: Mostly Asian countries
Lifetime Guaranteed
129 YouTube WatchTime | Min 4K | +60 video Length | R∞ |⚡🔥⛔ $14.40 4 000 4 000
- Start time: 1-3 min
- Speed is 1k - 4k / day
- GEO: mixed
- non-drop hours
- overdelivery
- Autorefill every 24h for the first 14 days.
- Lifetime Guarantee.

- Video length required: 60 minutes
- Maximum video length: 1h 30 minutes
- 4000 order = 4000h guaranteed
- Source: up to 99% Direct
- 99% from mobile devices.
130 YouTube WatchTime | Min 500 | +60 video Length | | R∞ |⚡🔥⛔ $16.50 500 4 000
- Start time: 1-3 min
- Speed is 1k - 4k / day
- GEO: mixed
- non-drop hours
- overdelivery
- Autorefill every 24h for the first 14 days.
- Lifetime Guarantee.

- Video length required: 60 minutes
- Maximum video length: 1h 30 minutes
- 1000 order = 1000h guaranteed
- Source: up to 99% Direct
- 99% from mobile devices.


6 Instagram Views | All Links |10M | ⚡💯 $0.0013 500 000 100 000 000
provider 💯
Engagement Booster
Higher Explore Chances
27 Instagram Views | All Links | 50M | Instant $0.0048 100 50 000 000
100k - 500k Per day
Instant Start
3 Instagram Followers | 200K | Any flag | AR 30 ♻⛔⚡ $1.85 100 200 000
- Start time 0-24 hours
- Mixed quality
- Cancel button
- Auto refill 30 days
- Refill button 30 days
- Almost non droop
- Over delivery guaranteed
- Speed 10-50K per day
- Any flag work
- Auto refill work
19 Instagram followers | 500K | Flag off | R90 ♻⛔⚡ $1.356 10 500 000
- 0-1h start
- Speed 50k per day
- High quality
- Real
- Refill 90 days
- Refill button
- cancel button
- Flag must be off or order get refund or not delivered
Before ordering subscribers, disable the "Flag for review" feature
1. Go to "Settings and activity"
2. Select "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable "Flag for review" feature
1 Instagram Likes | 500K | non drop | R365 ♻⛔⚡ $0.022 10 500 000
instant start
0-5% drop
Account quality :
100% profile photo
0-5 posts
Have some followers
2 Instagram bot Likes | LQ | 500k ⛔⚡⚡⚡ $0.0108 10 500 000
29 Instagram Story Views | All Stories | fast $0.0038 100 1 000 000
Emergency server
work now
98 Instagram shares | 100K | ⚡ $0.066 100 100 000
speed_ : 100k Per day
New status will be updated after 24 hours
drop_ : 0%
99 Instagram Save | 50K | ⚡ $0.0042 5 50 000

Instagram comments 💯

66 Instagram Random comments | English | HQ | 50K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 50 000
Start Time: instant
Refill: Lifetime refill
check comments List here
67 Instagram comments | Custom | HQ | 5K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 5 000
High quality
instant start
non droop
Lifetime refill guarantee
cancel button
@ mentions Not accepted
68 Instagram Random comments | emoji 😍❤️👍🏼 | HQ | 50K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 50 000
Instagram comments emoji
Non droop
Lifetime refill Guarantee .
Min 25 .
Max 5000 per order unlimited for post.
start time : 0-6 H
69 Instagram Random comments | for Male | HQ | 50K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 50 000
Instagram comments for men [ males ]
comments will be suitable for a male photo [ never put female photo ]
Non droop
Lifetime refill Guarantee .
Max 5000 per order unlimited for post.
start time : 0-6 H

check comments list here :

if you have good comments suggestion send to us in ticket.

make sure your profile is not private .
make sure you do not disable comments for post .
70 Instagram Random comments | for Female | HQ | 50K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 50 000
Instagram comments for girls [ females ]
comments will be suitable for a female photo [ never put male photo ]
Non droop
Lifetime refill Guarantee .
Min 25 .
Max 5000 per order unlimited for post.
start time : 0-6 H

check comments list here :

if you have good comments suggestion send to us in ticket.

make sure your profile is not private .
make sure you do not disable comments for post .
71 Instagram Random comments | Related to the post | English | HQ | 50K | R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 20 000
comments related to post type
we have many categories [ male - female - classic male - beautiful female - gym -random - emoji- nature - pets- cats - cars - sea -and others ]
we will see the post and choose suitable category of it
comments can be from one category or mixed
for example female photo we can send comments for female or mix between females and emoji and so on ...

non droop
start time 0-6 hours
speed 500 - 2000 per day
72 Instagram Comments | Random | French 🇫🇷 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
French comments - English names
Country : Global
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
73 Instagram Comments | Random | Italian 🇮🇹 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Italian comments - English names
Country : Global
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
74 Instagram Comments | Random | German 🇩🇪 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
German comments - English names
Country : Global
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
75 Instagram Comments | Random | Spanish 🇪🇸 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Spanish comments - English names
Country : Global
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
76 Instagram Comments | Random | Portuguese 🇵🇹 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Portuguese comments - English names
Country : Global
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
77 Instagram Comments | Random | Turkish 🇹🇷 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Turkish comments - English names
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
78 Instagram Comments | Random | Hindi 🇮🇳 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Hindi comments - English names
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
79 Instagram Comments | Random | Arabic 🇸🇦 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Arabic comments - English names
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here
80 Instagram Comments | Random | Russian 🇷🇺 | 15K - R∞ 💯 $8.00 25 15 000
Arabic comments - English names
Start Time: 0-6 h
Refill: Lifetime refill
High quality
Non droop
Speed : 1-2K per day
Speed decrease in updates
check comments List here

Instagram Mentions 💯

57 Instagram Mentions |100K | CUSTOM LIST 💯 $1.00 1 000 100 000
start 0-12 h
speed 1k - 20k daily according to load
you send us the custom List
no refill
non droop
58 Instagram Mentions | 200K | User Followers 💯 $1.10 1 000 200 000
start 0-12 h
speed 1k - 20k daily according to load
add username of profile need to mention his followers .
no refill
non droop
Note : verified account has option to limit its followers visibility so please make sure that account allow you see his followers not only last 50
check screen shot if verified account similar to it so can no be extracted
59 Instagram Mentions | 7K | User Following 💯 $1.10 1 000 7 000
start 0-12 h
speed 1k - 5k daily according to load
add username of profile need to mention users that he / she is following .
NO refill
non droop
60 Instagram Mentions | 50K | Post Likers 💯 $1.10 1 000 50 000
start 0-12 h
non droop
speed 500-5K per day depend on load and updates
We will target the Likers of a certain post (the one you put in the Media URL )
And we will mention them under your post (the one you put in Link)
Likes extraction is more difficult now and can delay start up to 24-36 hours
61 Instagram Mentions | 20K | Post Commenters 💯 $1.40 1 000 100 000
start 0-12 h
speed 500-5K per day depend on load and updates
We will target the commenters of a certain post (the one you put in the Media URL )
And we will mention them under your post (the one you put in Link)
non droop

Instagram Data scraper 💯

63 Instagram Scrape Data | User followers | Max 1M 💯 $0.13 5 000 10 000 000
extraction of user followers
will be sent to your email
complete in 12 - 48 hours
leave in link bar your email that we sent data to it
leave in username the link or username of account you want to extract its followers

- Min 5K if profile has less than 5K we will do it but will charge at least price of 5K
- Max 1M
64 Instagram Scrape Data | Post Likers | Max 1M 💯 $0.13 5 000 1 000 000
extraction of likes username on an Instagram post
will be sent to your email as a text
complete in 12 - 24 hours
leave in link bar your email that we sent data to it
leave in username the link of the IG post

- Min 5K if profile has less than 5K we will do it but will charge at least price of 5K
- Max 1M
65 Instagram Scrape Data | Post Commenters | Max 50K 💯 $0.15 5 000 10 000 000
extraction of comments username on an Instagram post
will be sent to your email as a text
complete in 12 - 24 hours
leave in link bar your email that we sent data to it
leave in username the link of the IG post

- Min 1k if profile has less than 1K we will do it but will charge at least price of 500
- Max 50K

Instagram Direct message 💯

62 Instagram Direct messages | Custom list | Exclusive | 1M max 💯 $2.00 1 000 1 000 000
how to order :
add your message in the link bar
add your users list in Users bar one per line

here you put the data yourself at least 500 users to send them messages

- Speed up to 10K per day
- add some of your own accounts in the list so you make sure of delivery yourself .
- messages will be delivered in requests .
- do not add external URL in messages will not be accepted and will be refunded .
- add your URL in your Instagram account BIO because if you add URL in messages it will be spam .
- emoji is not accepted [ will be enabled later ] we will delete emoji and send the rest of message
94 Instagram Direct messages | Custom list | Min 100K 💯 $1.80 100 000 10 000 000
how to order :
add your message in the link bar
add your users list in Users bar one per line

here you put the data yourself at least 500 users to send them messages

- Speed 10-40K per day
- add some of your own accounts in the list so you make sure of delivery yourself .
- messages will be delivered in requests .
- do not add external URL in messages will not be accepted and will be refunded .
- add your URL in your Instagram account BIO because if you add URL in messages it will be spam .
- emoji is not accepted [ will be enabled later ] we will delete emoji and send the rest of message
95 Instagram Direct messages | Custom list | Min 500K 💯 $1.55 500 000 10 000 000
96 Instagram Direct messages | Custom list | Min 1M 💯 $1.30 1 000 000 10 000 000
how to order :
add your message in the link bar
add your users list in Users bar one per line

here you put the data yourself at least 500 users to send them messages

- Speed 10-40K per day
- add some of your own accounts in the list so you make sure of delivery yourself .
- messages will be delivered in requests .
- do not add external URL in messages will not be accepted and will be refunded .
- add your URL in your Instagram account BIO because if you add URL in messages it will be spam .
- emoji is not accepted [ will be enabled later ] we will delete emoji and send the rest of message

X | Twitter 💯

86 Twitter Real followers | high stability | 5K | No Reill 💯 $8.00 100 5 000
provider 💯
high stability
droop rate is around 50%
source :famous exchange site
speed 50-100 per day
Refill : no refill
we have limits in server can partial or cancel if overload
also can disable server if overload until finish current orders
87 Twitter Real Likes | high stability | 5K | No Reill 💯 $7.00 50 5 000
provider 💯
high stability
droop rate is around 50%
source :famous exchange site
speed 50-100 per day
Refill : no refill
we have limits in server can partial or cancel if overload
also can disable server if overload until finish current orders
88 Twitter Real Retweets | high stability | 5K | No Reill 💯 $7.00 50 5 000
provider 💯
high stability
droop rate is 10- 30 % and 70% persist for life
source :famous exchange site
speed 50-100 per day
Refill : no refill
we have limits in server can partial or cancel if overload
also can disable server if overload until finish current orders
112 Twitter Comments | RANDOM - Real active | 2k - No refill 💯 $6.60 20 2 000
provider 💯
start 0-8 h
speed 500-2000 per day
Most stable in market [ in massive updates max droop is about 50% ]
real active so about 5-10% will like or retweet your post
111 Twitter Impression + Profile Visits + Engagement | Refill: No| Max: 100M] 💧 $0.009 100 100 000 000
Speed 10M daily
No Refill
No guarantee
113 Twitter Video Views + Impressions [SuperFast] $0.0148 250 5 000 000
114 Twitter Poll Votes [Refill: 30D] [Max: 1M] $0.525 100 1 000 000
Start Time: 0 - 1 Hr
Speed: 200K/Day
Link Example:


116 Tiktok followers | HQ - Real active | Non Droop | 50K ⚡🔥💯 $6.00 100 50 000
provider 💯
- Speed : 5-20k per day
- Start time : Instant
- Non droop
- Real active accounts
- Very high quality

- 100% profile photo
- least 9 different videos
- Having at least 10 subscribers.
115 TikTok Followers | Real - Max 100K | High Quality | R30 $1.98 5 100 000
Accepted Link format:
30 days Guarantee
High Quality Real looking accounts
89 Tiktok Random Comments | Real active | 50K | Non droop |⚡⛔💯 $6.00 10 50 000
provider 💯
- Speed : 5-20k per day
- Start time : Instant
- Non droop
- Gurantee 30 days
- Real active accounts
- Very high quality

- 100% profile photo
- least 9 different videos
- Having at least 10 subscribers.
121 TikTok Custom Comments | R30 | Real | 20K $4.20 10 20 000
Start : 0/5 min
Speed : 500/1k Per hour
Quality : Real
Drop Max : 5-15%
Refill : 30 Days Refill
120 TikTok Video Views [ Max 10M ]⛔ $0.0046 100 100 000 000
speed 1M per day
119 TikTok Video Views | 50M | No Refill $0.0053 50 50 000 000
7 TikTok Video Views | 50M | 10M per day $0.0054 50 50 000 000
Quality: USA
Start: 0-3 Hour
Speed: 2k-5k daily
No Refill
Minimum: 20
Maximum: 20000
117 TikTok Real Likes | Max 100K | 1 Year Refill ⛔️ $0.30 10 1 000 000
Speed : 500/Minutes
Quality : Real WorldWide
Drop : Non Drop
Cancel Button : Enabled
Refill : LifeTime [ After 10% or more Dropping ]
118 TikTok Likes | Max: 100K | Refill: 30 Days | 20K $0.2052 10 2 000 000
Start Time: 0 - 3 Hours
Speed: Up to 20K/Day


128 Facebook page Likes | 100K | Real Organic | Provider 💯 $5.00 100 100 000
- Likes and followers to page or profile
- Real Organic
- Worldwide
- No refill as these are real followers
- Natural organic increase
- 500 per day
97 Facebook Page Likes + Followers | Max 1M | R30 $2.02 100 50 000
Page Likes + Followers
Speed 1k-10k/day depend on load
Refill 30 days
Some pages especially new layout get followers only so please try Min amount first to see results
110 Facebook Profile Followers [Refill: Lifetime] [Max: 500K] $1.44 1 000 10 000 000
Start Time: 0-6 Hours
Speed: 10K/Day
100 Facebook Post Likes | R30 |10k $1.65 30 10 000
Start Time: 0-3 Hrs
Speed: 10K/Day
Refill : 30 days guarantee
101 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | 😂 HAHA | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0-1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
102 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | 🥰 CARE | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0-1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
103 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | 😡 ANGRY | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0 -1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
104 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | ❤️ Love | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0-1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
105 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | 😲 WoW | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0-1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
106 Facebook Post React | 3K | Instant | 😢 Sad | R30 | Non droop $1.44 30 10 000
0-1 H start
Non Droop
Refill 30 day
108 Facebook Video views | 500k+ day $0.288 500 10 000 000
video should be 1 min+
no refill service
109 Facebook Story Views | Max 5k | 0-1h $1.4213 50 5 000
Start: 0 - 30 Min
Speed: 500 - 1K/ Hour
Quality: Real
Refill: No

- This service works only on the public story
- We can't cancel / partial if order with the wrong link
107 Facebook Page Rating | Custom reviews | Recommenf Yes | 10K | R30 $18.33 20 10 000
Start Time: 48 Hours
Speed: 300/Day


125 Telegram Post Views | 40K $0.0072 1 000 40 000
add post link
34 Telegram Views | 500K | Fast | Non Drop $0.011 10 500 000
Instagram comments for men [ males ]
comments will be suitable for a male photo [ never put female photo ]
Non droop
Lifetime refill Guarantee .
start time : 0-6 H

check comments list here :

if you have good comments suggestion send to us in ticket.

make sure your profile is not private .
make sure you do not disable comments for post .
126 Telegram Positive Reactions Mix [ 1M ] 👍🥰❤️🔥👏😁🎉🤩 $0.0138 10 1 000 000
122 Telegram Channel/Group Members | 50k | R30 ⛔ $0.54 50 50 000
Start time 0-12 hours
Guarantee 30 days
123 Telegram Channel/Group Members [50K] [ R90 days ][ NonDrop ]♻⛔ $1.056 10 100 000
Does not accept crypto - drugs -XXXX [ May be canceled ]
Speed: 20K+ day
Refill button 90 days
124 Telegram PREMIUM Members | R20 | 💧 $3.00 100 30 000
Start Time: 0 - 1 Hr
Speed: 20K/D
Gurantee 20 days
127 Telegram Random Comments | English $2.25 10 200 000
submit post link
Start Time: 0-1 Hour